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Xcitium ZeroDwell Containment isolates all unknown or suspect code that enters a business 

Xcitium ZeroDwell Containment isolates all unknown or suspect code that enters a business 
A VPN is an essential component of IT security, whether you’re just starting a business or are already up and running. Most business interactions and transactions happen online and VPN

Xcitium has released ZeroDwell Containment, an endpoint security solution for customers with or without legacy EDR products. Traditional detection methods leave gaps in enterprise cybersecurity defenses, which Xcitium multi-patented technology fills. 

Tim Bandos, EVP of SOC services at Xcitium stated, “However sophisticated your security stack, there will always be new threats that slip through the cracks. With an estimated 560,000 new pieces of malware created every day, legacy EDR vendors will fail to detect anywhere between 1% and 5% of Unknown hostile payloads that cause immense damage.” 

The solution that guarantees zero dwell time for cyberattacks and is able to thwart unknown threats without sacrificing productivity is called ZeroDwell Containment. The dwell time is the amount of time it takes for an attacker to infect a system for the first time and for that infection to be discovered. 

The likelihood of harm, disruption, or theft from malware, phishing, ransomware, and other types of cyber-attack rises as dwell time does. The industry’s average dwell times on average are well known to be 21 days. 

Ken Levine, CEO of Xcitium stated, “No system that relies on detection alone can ensure all malware will be found and eliminated before it causes damage. Traditional detection is unable to detect Unknown objects, and this is why breaches and ransoms persist worldwide! Xcitium, however, contains all Unknown objects that have no known signature or hash, preventing attacker damage. This protection-first approach closes the cyber security gap. Organizations that run Zero Dwell Containment either with our full endpoint or alongside their existing solutions are more secure. To prove the point, Xcitium publishes weekly statistics.” 

Julio Guapo, CIO of Positivo Tecnologia shared, “We selected Xcitium as the cybersecurity solution to protect our internal company environment and users. During the POC process, the Positivo Tecnologia IT Security team put Xcitium through its paces, testing and repeatedly challenging its ZeroDwell Containment technology. Xcitium isolated the attacker’s execution path every single test period, so the threat was prevented from harming any endpoint.” 

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