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eCommerce Fraud Overview | Fraud in eCommerce

eCommerce is a big platform, increasing at an unparalleled pace globally; it constitutes a substantial possibility for brands and businesses to sell their goods and services. Consumers in recent times can purchase online products with multiple choices of brands at their ease and comfort. This gives customers an upper edge for an appropriate decision as they can do comparative pricing at a lesser cost without middleman intervention, thereby supporting eCommerce giants to perform at their best. Owing to this, there is an upward trend in online shopping in the last few years and eCommerce is undoubtedly the booming sector in online business.

The rapid expansion of online sales has introduced many competitors and significant contribution comes from online merchants like Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, etc. Online merchants are exploring multiple ways to generate additional traffic and sales. Hence the companies are creating numerous marketing strategies to increase their sales such as holiday sales, Black Friday sales, cyber sales, and much more to generate surplus traffic and sales. eCommerce can provide tremendous advantages if the company can differentiate amongst the genuine customers and fraudsters who are trying to escape amidst the multitude. With eCommerce growth, online fraud is also growing with skilled fraudsters using technology to hack systems, and criminals are continuously leveraging new types of sophisticated frauds.

eCommerce fraud

When a fraudster leverages embezzled payment details or fraudulently obtained bank account or credit card accounts to attempt or make online or retail transactions without the consent of the account or card owner is eCommerce fraud.

Major eCommerce frauds

Merchant Identity Fraud – Fraudsters create fake identities establishing a merchant account that appears to be an authentic business. Furthermore, they rob stolen credit card information to conduct multiple charges then proceed with the earnings prior the cardholder comprehends they have illicit transactions on their accounts and cannot retrieve the funds and held responsible for the damage and penalty.
Friendly Fraud or Chargeback Fraud – Customer pays for the online products using a debit card or credit card. In addition, they intentionally charge-back post after receiving the products declaring they never got the goods. Later, the customer is given a refund moreover the customer keeps the goods that they stated never received. Most of the time, the commodities are sold again to get money.

The other types of eCommerce frauds are Phishing, Clean fraud, Page Jacking, Affiliate Fraud, Triangulation Fraud, and Supplier Identity Fraud.

Online payments, digital wallets are luring more attention from cyber-criminals due to the prevailing limitations making this kind of fraud swift and simple to conduct which is quite often overlooked and unseen by users. Simple and easy pin passwords, non-coded data leverages hackers to exploit more and steal personal details and identities. Therefore, it is imperative for businesses to adapt to eCommerce fraud trends, monitor and analyze them to alleviate fraud risks and vulnerabilities.

In the current scenario, digital evolution is the critical factor for most of the enterprises and their expansion in the market who are embracing new technologies thereby shifting towards merging cashless economy, cloud deployment, mobility, an outbreak of Internet of things (IoT), and automation. The amalgamation of all these systems and technologies is enabling a data-controlled method to mitigate several financial risks and fraud threats throughout the financial landscape.

To combat and alleviate eCommerce frauds some far-sighted measures like ML, AI, IoT, and automation are adopted. eCommerce in the fraud space must be given the required attention and protection with the EFM platform, integrated with advanced technologies, cognitive learning, and automated tools helping to battle and block online frauds from digitalization.

Anti-Money Laundering Trends & Challenges in Digital Age

The new Age Digital Transactions are significantly Increasing Enterprise Risk Landscape and Vulnerabilities

Digital transformation is the foundation of most enterprise strategies today and its increasing pace is significantly impacting technologies thereby drifting towards the integration of cashless economy, cloud adoption, mobility, the explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT), and deploying new solutions. The integration of all these systems, technologies are enabling a data-driven approach posing various security threats, as these inter-connected systems accelerate the speed and threats of attacks across the financial globe. Enterprises are battling security issues with the increasing network complexity, rising gaps in security protection, polymorphic attacks, and compliance issues. It is imperative for businesses to be secure, vigilant, and follow security best practices such as integration, automation, using technology and data to drive innovation. With the ever-growing digital transactions, enterprises are digging into real-time data analytics and blockchain integrated with cognitive learning to prevent risks arising from digitization.

The continuing technology advancements and combating financial crime in a digital age

Digital evolution is continuously pacing up, you will see more companies switching to cloud technologies for many channels such as analytics security, KYC/CDD verification, risk scoring, financial transactions, and much more. Digital augmentation is followed with a bang of cybersecurity and it is building curiosity as to how will this impact AML compliance and security management across the financial space.

The outlook of businesses conducted over the last few years is very different as compared to the forthcoming years. In previous years, AML compliance has been drifting and evolving with increased government policies and regulations. Money laundering activities and terrorist funding have been growing for many years, keeping pace with new technologies, crimes have evolved and are becoming a critical issue to battle. Owing which banks must continuously keep updating their AML solutions and processes and adhere to compliance regulations else they can be penalized. So, adopting new technologies, updating frameworks, policies and being flexible is becoming a necessity for all Banks to combat the ever-growing AML threats. Financial institutions must concentrate on digital payment issues, regulatory framework, and money laundering risks related to internet payment methods such as mobile e-wallets and online payments and transactions.

Enterprises should think to switch from conventional risk methods to innovative technology. It’s time now companies should leave legacy systems and leverage new technologies along with intelligent automation in their compliance programs to combat financial crimes in the digital age. This is how technology innovations can support banks to fight fraud and provide security to their customers in the continuous battle against threats and cyber-crimes today.

Cryptocurrency and Money Laundering

Cryptocurrency and Money Laundering

We all have been hearing since last year about cryptocurrency and the lucrative profits it offers which is attracting all the money-launders, terrorism financing, and other financial fraudulent activities. A lot of news of crypto scandals is floating in the market. Due to emerging trends of cryptocurrency and the fraud activities involvement, the government authorities and regulators have increased their focus on all the institutions dealing with cryptocurrency in making them compliant and ensuring them to follow the regulations.

How fraudsters use Crypto to launder illegal money?

Fraudsters and criminal use crypto money laundering to conceal all their illicit funds in a lot of ways. The most dignified form of money laundering is bitcoin money laundering. There are three main stages in money laundering, and these same stages are applied to crypto money laundering as well.

Let’s understand what is Money Laundering first –

Money laundering is a process where a large amount of proceeds is generated by criminal activities and terrorist funding such as drug trafficking, arms trafficking, gambling, tax evasion etc.

Three stages of Crypto Money Laundering or Money Laundering

1. Placement – The first stage is introducing illegal proceeds into purchasing cryptocurrency, creating a digital wallet to do financial transactions just like a bank account. Cryptocurrencies or can be acquired with cash or other types of crypto, online cryptocurrency trading exchanges, or through licensed exchangers which may or may not require customer identification. Legal transactions follow the regulatory process for identity verification and are AML compliant.

2. Layering – The second stage is where the illicit money is separated from its source and where the funds are concealed through various ways such as transferring funds to different wallets or shifting services to hide the fund source.

3. Integration – The final stage is the funds that were laundered money goes back to the owner who uses the money to make purchases or invest in new business. Cryptocurrencies could be switched to fiat currencies through the exchange process. This exchange process mostly follows a stringent identification process and supports popular coins such as Bitcoins etc. Offshore fiat currency bank account sometimes can be used to launder dirty money through an online company that is accepting bitcoin payments and can be created to allow income and switch dirty cryptocurrency into white/legal bitcoins. Cryptocurrency can be used to purchase goods also digital wallets can be stored on phones, online devices making it possible to sell crypto coins for physical cash/money.

What is AML Transaction Monitoring ?

What is AML Transaction Monitoring?

Transaction Monitoring system (TMS) is an integral part of an efficient anti money-laundering solution. Monitoring financial transactions help detect anomalies and mitigate fraud risks.

The main purpose of the AML transaction monitoring platform is to detect frauds, protect the banks from any illegal transactions or illicit transactions dealing in money laundering and terrorist financing.

Transaction Monitoring is very important in the banking sector due to new ways of fraud introduced in the market with evolved technology these days. TMS can be defined as a formal process for identifying anomalies with a method of monitoring such anomalies then raising alerts and filing SARs if required.

On a daily basis, customers’ financial transactions are monitored, assessed, and analyzed including customers’ historical financial transaction data like withdrawals, deposits, cash transfer, online transactions, investments, etc. TMS has a significant impact in reducing false positives, helps in the analysis of high-risk profiling, and improves operational efficiency.

A well-designed and structured TMS system is a crucial component of a robust AML compliance program. It helps in combating and preventing money laundering and terrorist financing activities, ensuring compliance and managing customer data.

AML Transaction Monitoring System

Let’s understand the AML-Transaction Monitoring Process:
  • Firstly, it monitors each customer’s financial transactions utilizing all contextual data spanned across all channels.
  • Secondly, it detects and raises alerts for any suspicious activities.
  • Thirdly such alerts or cases are assigned to the investigation team who review and scrutinize if these activities are genuinely unusual or not, if activities are found suspicious then such activities are escalated, and suspicious activities reports (SAR) are filed or flagged.
  • Lastly, it creates risk-scoring model management for transactions using rules, ML, and statistical algorithms.

What is SAR?

SAR is Suspicious Activity Reporting. If any alerts are triggered for anomalies, the case is reviewed by the investigation team, and if found suspicious, SAR is raised. SAR filings are based on many criteria such as client type, demographics, ownership, enterprises, and other customer factors.

To conclude, the Transaction Monitoring System is the backbone of the AML process which helps in identifying fraudulent activities and mitigating fraudulent risks.