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Manufacturing firms turn to the cloud to enhance the efficiency of their business!

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European manufacturing firms are embracing cloud-based technologies and services to accelerate their market access plans and improve digital marketing efforts, according to a report by the Information Services Group (ISG).

The report finds manufacturers on the continent also looking to the cloud to enable business models that are specific to consumers.

Christian Decker, EMEA partner, ISG Smart Manufacturing, said, “Manufacturers in Europe are turning to the cloud to increase their business agility”. “And they are turning to manufacture services providers to help them create new reference architectures and bring resiliency to their operations.”

In addition, manufacturing firms require service providers to help them establish robust configuration controls and implement automated tests, including left-handed switching techniques, the report said.

The report also sees the manufacturing industry in Europe looking to revitalize its supply chain infrastructure through predictable models. Manufacturers want more transparency in their supply chains following shortages caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. In some cases, companies use AI for client or customer predictions.

Another practice among car manufacturers in Europe is to focus on making more electric cars, the report said. Car manufacturers are working to expand their electric vehicle infrastructure, which is now more sophisticated than automotive driving technology. Many car manufacturers in Europe have announced plans to eliminate the sale of gas-powered cars, but they face many challenges before they can fulfill these aspirations.

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